Client Mods

For those who want to use client mods, but are unsure where to start, we compiled the following list of recommendations.

Loader Required

To use Minecraft mods, you first have to install what is known as a Loader.

There are various loaders, each with pros and cons, and some mods only work with certain loaders (Forge mods don't work with Fabric, while Fabric mods work with Quilt).

Three loaders that are used by the community are:

Just note that these mods are mere recommendations, and none of them are required to play on STEMCraft.

For more details and support on using Loaders, jump over to our Discord Server.


  • Plasmo Voice - In-game proximity chat

  • EMI - Show all items are their recipes in an inventory sidebar

  • Mod Menu - View and configure mods

  • Sodium - Greatly increase rendering speed

  • Indium - Makes Sodium compatible with other mods

  • Starlight - Increases chunk lighting speed

  • Krypton - Increase network speed

  • Ferrite Core - Decrease RAM usage

  • DashLoader - Near-instantly load the server resource pack

  • Iris - Beautiful shaders, compatible with Optifine shaderpacks

  • Bobby - Increase client render distance beyond server render distance

  • Continuity - Connected glass textures

  • JourneyMap - Minimap that integrates with the server

Last updated